Thursday, January 10, 2008

My Little Busy Bees.... And other Odds and Ends....
This is my nephew Johnnie, and My stinky butt Angelena... Here is the thing with this little peanut... Her Heart is as big a the world! She is a little helper... ANd if you don't let her help, she gets mad at you... Working with the Dolly Truck is her favorite, you see... We would take boxes in or out of the house and when the dolly was empty, she would through a fit to get on the dolly and go for a ride to get more boxes...
We were moving BOXES out of the house so we could bring the Christmas boxes in before Christmas... Now, look at her poss in this picture... She has the hip action working already... Oh, boy... AM I going to be introuble...
Let me tell you, this child amazes me every day... Something new comes out of her mouth... And yes, sometime you can understand her, and other time... WHO KNOWS! She sees people talking and she joins right in... What is so funny, is she has discovered her tongue... She is trying to use her tongue to say everything... And I think that is why half the stuff she says don't come out right.... Last night before I took her to bed, I told her I had to heat up her bottle (YES I STILL HEAT THE BOTTLE, ONLY AT NIGHT) (YES I GIVE HER A BOTTLE WHEN SHE GOES TO BED), she looked at me and said... BLAH BLAH BLAH BOBOL... I said yes, I am heating you Bottle... She looked at me and said... OK... WHAT??? When did she learn that... She ALWAYS says UHHA... And half the time it is NO, when she means yes... BUt, OK... OMG... She is like a little sponge... Takes everything in... I can hand her something and say, go give this to Grandma... She will run and give it to her... (of course I follow her, cause sometimes she gets losts)... She is getting so much better with the "Please" or as she says it "PEAZ", Thank you - TANK OU... Welcome... and Many Many more... She is my sweet little angel... That is growing up right before my eyes... PAUSE... Nope... Didn't work... Still growing!
Something that she hasn't stopped doing since day 1... Puts EVERYTHING IN HER MOUTH... My cousin says she is a little billy goat... She ALWAYS fines paper and tries to eat it... Some of her Hard CardBoard Book have cornors chewed off... I can't get her to stop... All I have to do is say... Whats in you mouth, and if there is nothing she will open her mouth wide so I can see there is nothing... BUt the minute she has something in there and I ask... She RUNS and tries to hide under the tables... She even likes to get into her diaper bag and chew on the velco ends of the diapers... Any suggestions would be helpful, except for Hot Peppers, that is just down right mean...
On to Angelo... He had his DNA done yesterday, so the results should be back to the EMBASSY next Friday... Once the embassy records them in, they will issue us an appointment to come and get him...
Now, I am on a mission this weeked to go shopping... I have to get BOY clothes... Diapers... Wipes, and other stuff that I will need for the trip, and when we get home... At this point, I wonder what he will look like in Pink... HAHAHA.. JUST KIDDING! I wouldn't do that...

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