Wednesday, March 21, 2007

How do you spell relief...M.I.R.A.C.L.E

Let me start by saying I am ok... So now on to the soga...
Back in Sept, I was having some back pain, and I called my doctor for some meds, thinking I had a bladder infection... They said I had to come in and give them a sample... So I went and did the little test, and low and behold, it WASN'T a bladder infection... So they sent me to the hospital, for an XRAY, and that showed I had a mass on my kidney. We thought the cancer I had 5 years ago had come back. Well, I didn't want to tell anyone, because I was right at the end of the adoption, and I didn't want to make things more complicated. SO, I was sent for more test, to see if it was cancer or a cyst. I actually have a copy of the MRI showing the mass. After about 10 different test, they still hadn't a clue. The specialist said, well it doesn't have the chariteristic of a cyst or cancer, and we didn't want to jump to any conclusions. She also said she didn't want to do a biopsy because if it was cancer it would more than likely spread. She also said she really didn't think it was cancer. But, she can't be 100% about what it is. So, here was my choices: do a radical surgery and remove that 1 kidney, or wait 4 months and re-due the test to see if it has changes. I took the later part. OK... now we are up to speed to this week.
The doctors office called and left a message for me to call in Jan. I didn't call. Then in March she called and said I have set up the appoint for the test to call her for all the info. So I guess I didn't have a choice at this point. So I went and drank the YUCKY stuff, had the chemicals shot into my viens so they could do the CT SCAN... When I was done, I asked the lady, can I come and look at the test, she indicated that she couldn't tell me anything, and wanted to know if I knew what I was looking for. I said after all the research I did a few months ago, I am sure I will know what I am look for. GUESS WHAT... I didn't see anything... The lady said that she really didn't know what they are looking for, but didn't see anything... So I called the doctors office and told her I wasn't coming in, and to have the doctor look at the test, and call me if she thought I needed to come...
WELL, let me tell you, the doctor called herself, and said... What ever it was, it is gone. There is no scientific explaination of what it was. If it was a cyst, there should be some type of scar tissue. SHE said "I AM SPEACHLESS, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY. I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT WAS, AND HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS." I told her, I really don't care what it was, and I don't want to know, I just care that it is not there anymore. All I can say is,


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

That is great news!!!

Wendy said...

Oh Ellie, I have tears in my eyes for you!!! What a miracle!!!!!

Corey said...

Wonderful news!!!!

Unknown said...

Angelena is your first miracle, now your health is your second miracle!! Someone's watching over you and Angelena...

Shelby said...

That is fantastic. Congratulations!

nikki said...

Oh Ellie,
What an incredable miracle. You are such an amazing woman, to have gone thru all this.

bodegalee said...

What FANTASTIC news... thrilled for you Ellie!! And now cant wait to hear the outcome of your interview :) !! Take care

Alleen said...

What a wonderful thing!!! That must be a huge weight lifted from you.