Friday, December 07, 2007

This week I thought I would go back to the very first time I meet Angelena. It was a visit trip to Guatemala 8/06.
This was my little miss america sleeping by the pool at the Westin in Guatemala City.
My next photo is of 2 of the MOST IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN MY LIFE... Everytime I look at this photo, I think... Look at these two faces... I unknown was about to unfold, and these 2 life's have fallen madly in love with each other... Out of all the pictures I have... This is the picture I carry around in my wallet... In fact, it is the only picture in my wallet...
Then you have me and Angelena... Here is something I haven't told anyone before... When I was first handed Angelena, I was so afraid to kiss her. I know that if I did, I worried about rejection. I was afriad, I would fall more madly in love with her, and then have to hand her back... Then as we were sitting by the pool, my cousin wanted to get a couple of pictures of us together, and we started to pose, and then bam... She put her little arm up around my neck, and I just couldn't stand it anymore, and smuggled into the side of her face and kissed her... And it was caught on tape... I LOVE THIS PICTURE. The inoccents of love.
AND then, last but not least... My friend Ginger had planned a trip to Guatemala to see her first referral. Then about 2 weeks before the trip, she lost her refferal, but she still decided to go. Even if it was just to see the country. Well, I know how heart breaking it was for Ginger to see me accept Angelena for the visit, and her have no baby to hold. So later that day, Ginger came to our room, and I handed her Angelena, and said, "Here Angelena, this is Aunttie Gin..." I know in my heart that it was VERY hard for Ginger to hold Angelena. But at that moment, there was no stopping the bond these to hold for each other. And the look on thier faces in this picture is priceless..To this day, when I talk to Ginger on the phone, I will put the phone on speaker phone and she will talk to Angelena. And yes, Angelena get excited when she here Ginger Voice.
So this will conclude my Favorite Foto Friday this week...


Sarah said...

What sweet pictures of your little baby girl! She was so precious as a little one and still precious now.

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Okay what are you trying to do?? I am in tears right now. Yes that was a very bittersweet trip. I was excited to see you meet Angelena but my heart was breaking for my little Berali. Hey, look at us both now. We both a little angel at home forever. Can't wait to get my hands on yours.

Robyn said...

What beautiful pics!!


nikki said...

What a sweet post!!!!!!
Love the pics!!!!!!!1

Becca said...

Okay... I'm crying. Thanks for sharing that story. And your little girl is adorable.