Saturday, December 08, 2007

OK.. OK.. OK...

We have some news to share...

1) I recieved an email from the Orphan Office in Oklahoma City yesterday, saying that my EXPIRED 171H has been extended, and I should be recieving it in the mail in about 10 days..... (Note: these are basically saying I can adopt from Guatemela, and when I adopted Angelena I was approved for 2 kids... Remember my posting way back... They are only good for 18 months... well my just expired 11/18, so I had to have it extended for another 18 months..) Here is the kicker... Remember when I was doing it way back... My moms finger prints are not readable... Guess what... AGAIN... We have a criminal in the house... HAHAHA Just kidding... Well anyway, we had to get Clearances from City, County, and States for where she lived in the last 10 years AGAIN... Boy that was fun... I recuited friends, and got all the paper work, and presto.... DONE!~ It only took.... 4 months... Imagine that!

and on to some better news...
I recieved an Email from my Agency yesterday... My case is going back into PGN on monday... YA... Everything has been cleared up, and things are starting to look on the bright side again...


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

I love that picture!!! I really think I need one for my frig. HINT HINT!! Great news about your case.

Courty said...

Why hello, my friend! Long time, no talk!! It is mostly my fault though... I haven't poseted for a WHILE!

Crystal said...

hey you!!! Hey a couple weeks ago I sent you an invite to my blog and I think I might of had the wrong address --Can you e-mail me your address again?!! Thank you!!!

Ellie--hey I use my hubby's email!

Michelle Smiles said...

Wow - awesome news that they renewed your expired 171H! Congrats!

Corey said...

YEAH!!! Things are picking up!!! Email me yor address please... I have a little "therapy" present for you
c gaynes @ gmail. com (no spaces)

nikki said...

So good to hear your good news!!!
Love the picture!!!