Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Well Lookie here... My Big Little Man... Angelena's Look A Like, with Side Burns, and Attitude... Yep... They SURE are Brother and Sister!
Angelo Edward 7 months old... Ok, now... I HAVE TO GO TO GUATEMALA... I need to squeeze those little chubby cheeks. - And, shall I mention that hair!

I can't wait to get home today to show Gramma and Angelena... We have been waiting for over week, cause we knew we would be getting them. Every morning... Did you get an email today... Well this morning, I got 39 Pictures!
He is getting so big, and he looks VERY healthy...


Farrah said...

Holy SH@)#*
They look just alike...He is a doll
WOW how big too!

He is so cute

Unknown said...

I knew when you said a surprise was coming that this was it!!!!!
OMG he is just adorable!!!!!!
Yes, he and sis could be twins!!!!!! Amazing!!!!
The expressions are so remarkably similar!!!!!
I'd be on the next plane Ellie......goodness I know you can't wait to get him home.....
You are blessed.
Congrats and prayers for a quick PGN.

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

WOW!!! That is scary, they look so much alike. He is getting sooooooo big. I could just squeeze those cheeks!!!

Shelby said...

Wow-- He is adorable. and you got 39 pictures that is fantastic

nikki said...

What a cutie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Those are Angelena's cheeks alright!!!!

Sarah said...

What a beautiful boy!! Yeah on so many pictures of your sweetie and congratulations on going back into PGN!!

Mary said...

Wow...He looks like his sister.You are so blessed.What beautiful children.