Tuesday, August 22, 2006


I spoke to the agecny yesterday about a few things. Nothing bad... But, Olga... THE WONDERFUL CORRDINATOR made me promise, to stay away from the computer, or actually, the forums. I have been checking it daily, well, ok, every 15 minutes or so. She feels that it is going to drive me nuts, and she want me to be SANE and HEALTHLY for when Angelena comes home.

I have to admit, I have been obsessed with the timelines on the lists, ins-and-outs of PGN, Birthcerticate Re-Issue, Pink Slip Appointments and Visa Issues. If everything works as if Adoption in Guatemala was Uniform(which they aren't), I actually have figured it out down to the day that we should be coming home. That is if we don't get kicked out for anything... So, you see... There is no science to it, it is called OBSESSED..... So I need to believe in the agency, and stick to my 1-2 times a day!

I have a package I am sending to Guatemala this week. It was dropped off yesterday. I included a pair of earrings. The foster mother is going to pierce them for me. It is a tradition in Guatemala, and a sign of LOVE from the foster mother.

Well I am done for now!


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