Thursday, August 24, 2006

Anxiety Has Set In

We are at 31 days in PGN, and have had no word. I sit and watch many people come out of PGN that went in before me. Even though I have limited myself to checking the website 1-2 times a day, I can't seem to get it out of my mind.

I only pray that one day it will be my turn. And you know the funny thing about the forum... I won't find out if I am out of PGN there, I will get a call form my Agency. So you ask why I was checking the forum so much....

Everyone has a time line of events in there adoptions, this is what mine looks like:

Signed Application with agency - 1/5/06
Last Home Study 3/11/06
Home Study Report 4/6/06
Finger Printing 4/15/06
Left Adoption Agency 4/25
Signed On with WONDERFUL Agency 4/27/06
Referral Offered 5/6/06 (Birthday 4/27/06)
Redue Finger Prints 5/9/06
Appointment w/INS for Interview 5/16/06
171H 5/18/06
DNA Approved 6/6/06
Entered Family Court 6/20/06
DNA Match 99.99% 7/6/06
Pre Approval 7/14/06
SW report 7/21/06
IN PGN 7/24/06
1st visit 8/2-7/06
PGN LET ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So with everyone posting there time line, and then they post that they are out of PGN, I look to see when they went in. And try to judge when I should be hearing something. It appears people are getting out anywhere now 5-6 weeks... So on this coming Monday, I will be in for 5 weeks.... So that means, I should hear SOMEHTING.....

I know I shouldn't put my hopes up on this, because as I have been told, THIS IS NO SCIENCE.... And, if I should get kicked out of PGN for a typo or something stupid like that, I would be heart broken. I know Angelena will coming home... Soon.... But, I just want her home NOW...

Mom and I have decided that she will not be going with me to pick up Angelena. She will wait for me here in Texas. When we get home, Angelena and Me, we will then take a trip to California for her to meet family and friends.

Well that's all for now. Sorry to ramble... But, I need to get it out.

Good night!

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