Saturday, February 03, 2007


Being apart fromm family is not easy. The old saying goes, Distant makes the Heart grow fonder... But, when that distant end in a loss... The heart then aches. Wish that you would have done more, been closer, or go and visit... Because that last memory of someone ALWAYS stays in your mind...Lossing someone in your family is never easy. Have you ever felt close to someone, but didn't live close to them, but love them with all your heart, and wish that life could have been different. When you are young, you never really have choices, your parents make them for you... And when you get older, you look back and try to figure out what and why things happened. Some times people will tell you half of the story... sometimes people will hint, or just say ask someone else. Even when you point blank ask "WHY"... you never get a straight answer... As I am older, I tried to put thing together your . BUT what does it matter... You are older and you can make your own decissions.... OK.... I guess I am just rambling.... I am tring to gather my thoughts and grieve due to a death in my family.
I was getting ready for my post homestudy this morning, had about 15 minutes before the social worker, Susan came, so I ran upstairs to pay some bills, and check my email... I receive an email from my cousin in the Midwest telling me we lost a wise sole in the family, the person I was named after past away last night in her sleep... at the same time I am reading the email, the doorbells rings.... Homestudy time.... I answer the door crying, trying to explain what had just happened, and that I didn't want to tell my mom till after the homestudy...
So with that.... The SYNCHRONICITY stricks again...
By the way... The Post Homestudy went well... As expected... How could it not, Angelena is an AMAZING CHILD! Oh and she is MINE!!!
I am dedicating this post to: Eleanor
I love you and until we meet again....


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

I am so sorry about the death in your family. Let me know what I can do.

Lori said...

I am so sorry to hear of your recent loss! Please know that I am thinking of you today and praying that good memories help you work through the pain!

Alleen said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It's definitely never easy. And to think you had just seconds to pull yourself together and do the homestudy.

Candy said...

So sorry about your loss...I know you want to be home so...wait SO BAD!!!! Angelena is a DOLL we have Kya Blu ANGELICA....Hugs Candy

Angel said...

That is so hard. I am sorry. Here's a hug from Texas. Angel

Crystal said...

I am so sorry for your loss--please let me know if there is anything I can do anything at all--I wish I lived closer I would bring you dinner:o) hugs hugs hugs!!!!