Sunday, September 03, 2006


The weekend is almost over... This is one of the longest weekends in my life... I can't even tell you! I know that PGN had a holiday or two like we did, but, this waiting is killing me. I figured out we have been in PGN for 6 weeks now. I have seen people getting out of PGN that went in around the same time I did. I am getting very anxious.

I picked up a little bookcase that matched Angelena's crib, and put it in her closet. I originally was going to put shelves across the wall, but the bookcase will work! AND way less work for me! I also, finally cleaned out her closet from Christmas. I had stached a bunch of stuff in there, and never packed it away. Now I need to get a few bins to put on the shelves in her closet to organize things... I checked some out on ebay, but think I will wait a while to see what is on sale...

Otherwise her bedroom is actually done. I have her name up on the wall with sponge letters. They are pretty cool. I noticed the the 2nd "N" was backwords. That is so original... I couldn't have planned it any better!

When we were in Guatemala, I purchased a wind chime. It is a bunch of Angels that are standing and sitting in different postions, and they are all holding a musical instrument. The chime is made out of clay. I want to hand it in Angelena's room, but not sure where. Right now I have it hanging off her little coat rack. You know what the ironic thing about that coat rack... Christina made it for grandma, when she was in High School. Kind of neat!

Well enough rambling...

Sweet Dreams.

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