Friday, September 08, 2006


My whole life, I always looked forward to Friday's, as I am sure everyone does. But here in the adoption world, you dreed Fridays. Why you ask?

This is my theory of the life of a Case File for Adoption In Guatemala...

1) Its Friday Night, Your case is sitting in a office on someones desk that is not looking at it for 2 days.
2) Knowing that the next time someone is going to look at is MONDAY.
3) As I said above..... IT IS MONDAY
4) Tuesday rolls around and the person has to remember what they were doing with you case last week...
5) Wednesday, they realize, ok, I need to do this with the file. Opps, its lunch time.
6) Thursday, Oh ya, the file, I forgot, cause I took an extended lunch on Wednesday.
7) Ok, now where was I.... Well, it is Thurday Night, and I can't get anything done till after the weekend...
8) Friday Morning.... This file can wait till Monday, I am tired and have work all week...

Next step, see #1

So you see... We all have hope in the begining of the week, then as the week lingers towards the end of the week, all hope is lost.

I know, everyone is telling me to be postive, and I am trying, but, I just need to have my Daughter Home...


Ruth said...

Stay stong Ellie!


nikki said...

YOu put into word how I feel every week. We've been in PGN 9 weeks, and some days I feel I might go crazy from the wait. I've been following your blog for a few months. I hope you get out of PGN real soon.

Anonymous said...

Just poppin' in, Ellie. Is your baby girl GORGEOUS or what?? You are so right about Fridays and adoption. *sigh*

I hope that you will have a good weekend and that Monday will come quickly. God bless.

Alleen said...

Here's hoping you get out of PGN soon!!! I know how excruciating the wait is!

Anonymous said...

I found your site through the guatemala forum. Your daughter is beautiful. I am a single too and am chosing to adopt from guatemala.
I love the outfit your daughter is wearing in pic 1, with the hat. Where did you get it from?!
Anyways, my name is mummi2be on the forum and your site is great.