Tuesday, February 05, 2008

No Luck with Pictures....

But, just wanted to give a little update...

Angelo and I had our appt. this morning. Even though we were #15, the Embassy took us first...

Because both of us are having issues... Needless to say... Yesterday was a big blur, and yes, be BOTH are drinking Pedilite...

Now onto Angelo...

He is amazing, regardless of how he is feeling. He has his ups and downs, and today, I have found out what his giggles and laugh sound like. You know it... Just like Angelena...But, you all know our little fiestY Angelena... Well, I am happy to say... Angelo will balance out the house... He loves to snuggle, he blinks his eyes at you like as if he is winking, he shakes his head as to say no, but it is a game... He giggles, wiggles, and yes, wraps his arms around you and kisses... He amazing....

Well that is enough for now... As soon as I get home I will post some pictures of Angelo...



nikki said...

Sorry to hear you are both under the weather!!
But I am so happy that the embassy appt is over and you are so close to coming home!!!!
Angelo sounds like a dream baby!!!

Holly said...

I hope you're both feeling better VERY soon! I wish you a safe journey home and much happiness!

Stacey and Dewey said...

Yea Embassy appointment is done CONGRATULATIONS!! Angelo sounds darling, how sweet to have a snuggle baby. Hang in there your almost done...
Best Wishes!!

Sarah said...

Sorry you are having those tummy issues... but glad to hear that Embassy Day was fast and successful! Can't wait to see pics of your beauties together as well as some of those Angelo kissy pictures!

bodegalee said...

YAY.... you're done! Yahoo! :) Sooo sorry you're having icky stomach stuff.. no fun at all! AND he sounds like just a dream.... Can't wait to see the pics! :)

Kim said...

Can't wait to see the pics!! I'm sorry you guys aren't feeling well. :(

Carrie, Rich and the Kids said...

So happy for you! Hope you are both feeling better! Congrats and can't wait to see those photos when you get home!

Shelby said...

Sorry to hear you are feeling yucky... Hope you are both on the road to recovery and home soon!

Melanie said...

yuck I hate it that you all are sick on such a special trip! Can't wait to you're both home safe & sound, and of course feeling MUCH better!!! ok I'll say it for the 100th time--I GOTTA HAVE PICS!
love yas

Robyn said...

I am so sorry you and Angelo are sick. Hope you are feeling better!! Can't wait to see some pics!!
