Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Things Happen for a Reason....

You know how people always say things happen for a reason, or how you dream something a long time ago, and then something happens in your life and you think.... Wow, I remember that dream... Or when things that have absolutely nothing to do with each other, but end up correlating with eachother...

Well, let me tell you something... For those who don't know this, Angelena's middle name is after my dear niece that we lost a few years ago, Christina. Well, the other day when I had recieved the DNA results in the mail, the date the DNA was taken, was on my neice Christina's Birthday.

I believe is stuff like the paranormal. I have continusly tried to look for signs from Christina, to see if she is around, and ok. I think this time she is slapping me to wake up a smell the coffee... I know she is alright and watching over us, but this time I think she is telling me to stop looking cause she is around. Now I know this name is exactly what it is suppose to be.

If I have posted the name corrolation before, sorry to ramble... But this is my circle within a circle with no beginning and never ending....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Ellie, that is touching.
I try to believe in fate as well, it helps with all of the
Even though I feel too, like Ginger, that I chose the wrong agency, I have to believe in fate that brought us our son.
Thanks for sharing.