Friday, July 21, 2006

All is quite on the Home Front....

Well we all know the saying, no news is good news..... I just hope that is true. There has been no movement on my case as of yet. I did find out though a forum that they only release the Social Worker reports on Fridays and Monday. So all day, I waited with anticipation. But, of course... There was nothing. So, now I am looking forward to Monday. This report is the only thing that is holding us up before we go into PGN. (The final step) . One of the forums I belong to are actually keeping track of cases. The average time of the Social Worker report after the pre-approval's are 9 days. We are at 7 days rught now. So maybe Monday. Then we will go into PGN, and the average for PGN is running 7 weeks. So at this point it is anyones guess.

I have been getting ready for the trip, which is only 11 days away. I did find out thay are going to bring Angelena to me on Thursday morning between 9-10. So we will have to be in the lobby of the hotel a little before 9. I have so many things going through my mind, and so many things I want to do. I want to go and get a couple disposable camaras to give the foster mother to take pictures, and a self address stamped package so she can send it back to me. I would love to see what her first few months of her life was like. How she lived, who she lived with, where she lived, and how well she has been taken care of.

After everything that happened last Friday, I went shopping on Saturday. Such a stress releaser...

Ginger has decided, even if Faithful Adoption (that other Agency) doesn't have a baby ready for her before the trip, she is still going, and will do a lot of site seeing. But, I know they will have baby for her when she gets there. When I went shopping last Saturday, I bought 2 little outfits, one for Angelena, and one for the new baby. They are matching... We originally had 3 or 4 matching outfits for Angelena and Berali, so we could take pictures. But, they will be a little to big for her new baby.

I jut can't say how excited I am about going. Mom is in California for Joey, Erika and Isabelle's Wedding. Then she will be coming home on the 7/31, and we fly out on the 2nd. Cousin Liz will be flying to Texas on the 2nd and then catch the same flight out to Guatemala with us. AND, Ginger and her best friend Debra will be flying out here from New Mexico and catching the same flight to Guatemala too! So all 5 of us will be on the same flight coming and going to Guatemala - that is kind of neat!

I pulled out the camcord manual tonight and am going to read it over and over again, so I will know a little of what the heck I am doing. I am also checking the chargers and batterys, disks, and bags. I should be ok. I will be taking both, the digital camera and the camcord that not only takes DVD's but still pictures too! I have enough space for 1600 still pictures and 13 hours of video. Ya, ok, I know I don't need that much... But everyone knows me.... I always want to have enough... and I don't want to run out...

I know Lizzy and Ginger are bring camaras too! So for the 5 days there, we should get plenty of shots!!! And I am not talking about Tequilla Shots either!!

Ok, so now you can tell I don't know what else to say because I am getting goofy...

So with that, Good night... And until more news comes, or if nothing comes before I am off to Guatemala, I will let you know..... AND THEN THERE WILL BE TONNNNNNNNNNNS of Pictures!


1 comment:

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Relax!!! Everything will be perfect when you get to Guatemala. Angelena will love you so much. I will be there for you when they come and get her. We can go shopping after that. That is what I had to do the last time. We shopped til we almost dropped.

See ya soon!!