Friday, July 14, 2006

Oh My Goodness..... What a day....

Where do I begin...

First this mid morning, I received an email from the Agency saying she had the Video. So, I tried to finish up my work so I could leave early and pick it up.

As I was a work, I received a email form Ginger asking if I read her prior email. I replied, I hadn't rec. it yet. And if something was wrong. As I waited for her reply, I jumped onto the website and read her Blog... What I found was devestating. With only 19 days before we go see the girls, the Birth mother had 2nd thought and is keep her baby. All I could do was start crying. HOW COULD THIS BE. Ginger has worked to long and to hard, and has loved Berali from the momment she set eyes on her. How could an Adoption Agency let this happen this far into the process??? Why wasn't her DNA taken care of before, would this of happened if the mother signed off the paperwork along time ago? I just can't understand this. And for me not to understand.... What about Ginger??? I CANNOT imagine what she is going through. What her family is going through. Complete shock... All I know is my heart aches for Ginger... I have always said things happen for a reason... BUT I CAN'T SEE THE REASON RIGHT NOW...

As for my Video... I get home and watch the video 5 times, then go up stairs to tried to figure out how to put it in the Blog. NO LUCK... All I can say is, Angelena is adorable. She drinks 2 oz every 3-4 hours. She sleeps about 6-7 hours a night, and wakes up about 6-7 in the morning.... What's that tell you... She stays up late!!! She is a very content baby, but is very active... She likes to grab hold of things... INCLUDING HAIR... (I Guess I need to be getting a haircut before I go to Guatemala). Oh, and did I say she was Adorable.... Apparently the foster mother is fostering another child, he is only 2 weeks old. He is on the video too! But, all he did was sleep. But you can hear Angelena in the back ground starting to get fussy.... It was so sweet.... I need to hold her.....

Anyway, I went to send Olga my Blog site, and when I went into my email... I FOUND the PRE-APPROVAL notice form Guatemala... I started crying AGAIN!!! So I forward that to Olga. Now, all we are waiting for is the Family Court Report - then off to PGN!!!! Who know we maybe in PGN while we are in Guatemala... Wouldn't that be AWESOME!!!!!!

So you see... I have been on an emotional roller coaster all day...

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