Friday, September 14, 2007

Friday Post...Picture day...
Tomorrow we are going to be having a VERY busy day... Angelena will is getting professional Pictures done, compliament of Celbrating Adoptions. You should check it out... We were originally going to have them done in the Park, but it seems that is will be a little chilly tomorrow morning, so the Photographer suggested we do it in her studio... I think the Photographer is just as excited as I am about this. I picked out about 5 different outfits, and we will see what we end up with... I am even taking the Dress she worn on her Re-Adoption day in Dallas. Back then it was really big on her, but now it is her size! Imagine that... We are taking her Pillow Case Dress I got for her on Easter.
Angelena's will be getting Baptized on 10/27, we were going to wait for Angelo to get home, but I think they need to have thier own special days, so he will be Baptized later...
And a REAL SPECIAL THANK YOU TO MY SBP! I recieved a package in the mail the other day, it has a Sticker of the US and GUAT Flags Crossing like an X... This is symbolic for a US/Guat Adoption... I love it! We also rec. a Onsie for Angelo, that says "GUATPO" on it... and a Cute Bib for Angelena that has Mommy's Lil Princessa. **WINK**WINK** LOVE IT!
Message to SBP - Please email me though the email!!!!
For those who don't know what a SBP is: Remeber back when you were in school, and you and a Secret Santa before Christmas... Well, this is a Secret Blog Pal... SBP... But it is year round. Every few months they are reveiled and the rounds start over. You meet many WONDERFUL people that have or had gone though the same things you are going through...


Courty said...

Awesome!! I can't wait to see some of them!

ps- I posted again;)

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Sounds like soooo much fun!!! I can't wait to see the pictures. Oh, I finally posted on my blog.

Whitney said...

Hey! Noticed you in a couple of places and thought I would say hi! We have a pretty similar time line (We were sub for PGN on 9/14). I noticed your name, which is the name of our little girl. :) I grew up in the great state of TX in the DFW area. Your daughter is just a couple of months older than our Ellie. Your kids are beautiful, by the way. Praying you get out soon!