Guatemala Adoptions - MAY SHUT DOWN
Many of you who read this blog know what is going on - you can skip this post!
For those of you who are friends or family that read this, there are some major problems going on in Guatemala right now.
We've all known that the Guatemalan adoption program could shut down in the future. No one knew for sure, but it was going to be a possibility.
The current (and outgoing) President of Guatemala is trying to get his hands on a major amount of UNICEF money and in exchange he is to shut down intercountry adoption out of Guatemala. (that's a whole other post but if any of you give ANY money to UNICEF at Halloween I'll come hunt you down!!!!)
President Berger has said that starting January 1st, 2008 there will be no more adoptions. The scariest part is that he is also saying that there will be no grandfathering. So, if someone's adoption is in process, but not completed by January 1st, the adoption will not be able to go forward.
No one knows for sure that this will actually happen. The President doesn't have the power to do this on his own, but no one really knows what will happen.
As you can imagine, for those of us who are still in process, this is a very scary time.
According to the JCICS there are 5,000 children that are currently in process. This would be 5,000 children who would not be able to come to their forever family, 5,000 children who would then be sent to orphanages (that really don't exist) in who knows what kinds of conditions.
You can read more here including what you can do to help.
There are a few Petitions that I BEG OF YOU TO SIGN.
Here are the links:
I've have been thanking God so many times in the past couple of days that Angelena is home. Just one year - if this happened one year ago - I'd won't have her... And now with this... I may never have Angelo...
I am so afriad of not having Angelo Home. The thought of this is killing me. I need him, Angelena needs her little brother... The family needs him...