Thursday, June 22, 2006

FAMILY COURTS in Guatemala

I just recently found out that Angelena's case went to Family Courts in Guatemala. This is where a Social Worker interviews the Birth Mother, Foster Mother, and Angelena. This is done for a couple of reasons: to ensure the birth mother is not being pressured, and Angelena is being well taken care . Once the Social worker does the visit, she writes up a case on Angelena and recommendations. Which takes 2-4 weeks to process. Then, everything is sent to PGA (equeivalent to Attorny Generals Office in the States). PGA, is the most exciting step of the whole process, because it is the last step before she comes home. God, this is going so fast, but sooooooooooo slow... I am just taking one day at a time.

I am going to be sending a package to the foster mother this week, which will include a care pack for her, and clothes and stuff for Angelena. I am not required to do it, but I want to. And besides, it has our home smells on it, and I want her to get use to it.. Ok... maybe that didn't sound right, but I know you all know what I mean....!

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