Friday, February 10, 2006

Another Day

Well, it has been one thing after another. But, I am getting close for all the final paper work. Now it is a waiting game, once I get everything back from everywhere, then I have to submit it to the state for them to Certify everything, then I need to have it sent to the Guatemala Consult to have it authenticated. THEN we can have it sent to Guatemala, and hopefully get a "referral". I am hoping to it all sent by May.

My home study is scheduled for 3-11, I have been working around the house all week, putting up some of the pictures that hadn't found their place yet. I have been working in Angelena's room getting it ready.... And Yesterday, Grandma, Aunttie Kathy and Uncle Bingie, order her Crib bedding, lamp, curtains and wall murals. They should be here next week, and I will put them up and take pictures! Once I have the pictures, I will post them. Here is a few for your viewing pleasures....

Well, that's all for now.

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